The most common psychological blocks keeping you from getting pregnant

My client, a fertility coach herself, had not been able to carry out a pregnancy to full term after her first child. One month after our session, she was pregnant. 

Before meeting me, she had done everything for her physical wellbeing, had optimized her nutrition, exercise, hormones, and all else. But she had never addressed her mind.

Within a single session, we uncovered several psychological blocks that kept her from getting pregnant: a traumatic first birth, 3 miscarriages, an eating disorder, body dysmorphia, insecurity and fears around pregnancy and support from her husband, and more. 

Once she released these stressors, her mind AND her body were ready to conceive and carry out her pregnancy full term.

The Harvard Medical School’s Mind/Body Medical Institute has conducted extensive research on the connection between stress and infertility. 

Let me give you a few examples: say, you’re very career oriented and working a lot or you’re  under financial stress or one of your parents needs a lot of attention and care, there is literally no room for a child. Your mind and body’s job and programming is to keep you “safe” from the added perceived stress of pregnancy, childbirth and one more human to take care of, which could be a reason why you’re not getting pregnant. 

Because your body and mind are programmed to protect you, if you had any kind of trauma in the past, you may not get pregnant. Common traumas are sexual assault or harassment, illnesses in and around your womb, miscarriages, abortions, traumatic events and situations from childhood, not feeling safe or loved by your parents, etc. 

Another common reason is that you have been raised to be the independent woman. Miss “I can do it all by myself. I don’t need your help.” But as they say: “you need a village to raise a child” – because it’s so much easier to do so when you have support from all corners: friends, family, doctors, nurses, doulas, therapists, etc. If you’re someone who loves helping others, but has trouble accepting help (or compliments), you may fall under this category also. 

In conclusion, your body AND mind have to be on board to conceive a child and carry out the pregnancy to full term. You have to feel strong, safe, and supported by your body and your mind. 

If there’s any tension coming up in your body right now or when you think about pregnancy and having a child, it may be a sign that your body and mind don’t feel that way and it’s time to remove any psychological blocks that hold you back from becoming pregnant. 

Most blocks are underlying – in your subconscious. Consciously – with your mind awake reading this right now – you may not be able to access them, and you’re most likely not able to access the very root cause of these blocks. 

This works better when your body and mind are relaxed – in a state of meditation, hypnosis, trance (all the same). This is NOT the case during regular therapy. 

Therefore, I suggest hypnotherapy. You will find that many fertility clinics, forums, and networks have a hypnotherapist on board or a psychologist who is able to work with this modality. 

Why work with a hypnotherapist over a therapist? What’s the difference? 

According to a study by Dr. Barrios published in the American Health Magazine, hypnosis has a 93% success rate with only 6 sessions, as compared to Behavior Therapy with 72% and 22 sessions and Psychoanalysis with 38% and 600 sessions. 

One study presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in 2004 demonstrated that hypnosis during embryo transfer in IVF doubled the success rate compared to women who didn’t undergo hypnosis (28% success vs. 14%)​ Source: The Fertile Mind​. The stress reduction that hypnotherapy offers can be critical since stress is known to interfere with fertility by impacting hormone regulation through the hypothalamus. Source:​ The Fertile Mind.

Another study led by Dr. Peter Quinn showed that 65% of women who had experienced infertility for 2–12 years became pregnant after hypnotherapy, while Dr. Elizabeth Muir’s London fertility clinic reports a 45% success rate among previously infertile women aged 37-43. Source:​ Rocky Mountain Hypnotherapy Center.

These figures suggest that hypnosis can play a significant role in both natural conception and IVF treatments by addressing the emotional and psychological challenges often associated with infertility.

From my own work, clients who’ve been to therapy for years have told me hypnosis connects the dots and moves them forward, whereas therapy only allows them to understand themselves and their behaviors better. I frequently hear from clients and their therapists that hypnosis gets to the root cause of the issue so much quicker. One therapist even said to my client: “You’ve just done 10, 20 years of therapy within 1 session of hypnosis!” I’ve experienced this in myself as well, especially after my very first hypnosis session, which made me quit my job as Managing Editor of 22 newspapers to travel the world and work from anywhere. 

The most important factor to find a great hypnotherapist is trust between you and them. Online sessions as well as in person meetings are equally effective, but it’s all about what you’re comfortable with. 

Want to book a session with me to identify the biggest psychological blocks that keep you from getting pregnant and receive the action steps to get pregnant and carry out your pregnancy to full term? Click here.


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