Attract your first soulmate clients, sell with fun and joy, attract rather than chase, and follow what feels good! If that's how you want to feel in your business, get this 3 hour masterclass.

"Just had to do the happy dance - I have my first paying hypno client! Easy peasy lemon squeezy. $200 for 2 sessions.

Morgan Schneidler-Ruff Soul Coach and Guide

Calling all my tarot readers, Reiki healers, hypnotherapists, spiritual coaches, witches, etc.

This masterclass is perfect for you if you want to start your spiritual online business or just started it recently.

This is for you if you want to... with soulmate clients

... sell with fun and joy

... attract rather than chase

... follow what feels good.

This is NOT for you if you want to...

... focus on the numbers

... DM random strangers

... work from a place of lack

... follow a sales script.

You will learn:

... how I started my spiritual online business and how you can, too.

... what has always worked and what has not worked at all.

You receive:

... hypnosis (guided meditation) to visualize your perfect day in business and how to get there as well as meeting your soulmate clients and hearing from them what exactly you helped them with

... an intuitive 90 day business plan that will work for you

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... my signature ASK YOUR SOUL recording which you can use daily after this workshop to intuitively find the next steps leading you to the business YOU WANT.

... my instructional video on how to connect with your intuition, so you can make decisions based from love and not fear

Your 3 payment options:

This option is for you if you are an independent learner enjoying self-paced courses.

Click on the image below to purchase

This option is for you if you are an independent learner enjoying self-paced courses and would like a cash injection.

Click on the image below to purchase

This option is great for you if you want 1:1 support from me (i.e. answering questions and mindset tips) around your business.

Click on the image below to purchase

Detailed info about what we cover:

... how I started my biz and how you can to (how to find the right pricing & build authority, when do you need a website, what do post on social media and which platforms, how to collect and share testimonials, warming people up to your services if they don't know how they could benefit from them, etc.)

... what has worked for me throughout biz, what hasn’t worked (attracting vs. chasing, follow up, consistency, listening to my intuition, having fun, giving value, niching)

... doing it anyway even when you're so down you'd rather start a secure 9-5 again

... Guided Meditation on your perfect business

... filling in your 90 day intuitive business plan

...answering questions of previous students (courses vs. 1:1's, when to stop practicing and start charging, which payment methods to use, how long until you can go full-time in your biz)

Your 3 payment options:

This option is for you if you are an independent learner enjoying self-paced courses.

Click on the image below to purchase

This option is for you if you are an independent learner enjoying self-paced courses and would like a cash injection.

Click on the image below to purchase

This option is great for you if you want 1:1 support from me (i.e. answering questions and mindset tips) around your business.

Click on the image below to purchase

Why work with Jenny?

My wish for you is to be the most empowered and confident version of yourself, so you can live a life of freedom and bliss, do what you love and make bank from it.

I help you heal decades of trauma, so you can connect to your intuition like you've never done before and excute on your seemingly out-of-reach goals and ideas, and skyrocket your psychic gifts, so you can foresee events, channel interdimensional beings.

I'm all about you creating mental wealth - joy, happiness, and an unwavering trust that you'll get through all your lows no matter what. 

Certified in NLP, EFT, and hypnosis, I have also studied past life regression as well as the soul space and I am a breathwork facilitator. 

I have traveled to more than 50 countries and led international workshops. 

My clients past successes include channeling their guides, angels, and loved ones with ease, doubling their income within 30 days after one session, releasing 50+ year old emotional trauma after one session, getting off antidepressants after 3 sessions, quitting smoking 1.5 packs of cigarettes per day after one session, and finding their purpose, among others.

Can't wait to meet and create magic with you!

Connect with me on Instagram @mindyoursubconscious

Are you ready to start your spiritual business? 

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